Assessment of Photovoltaic Energy Production at Different Locations in Jordan
Jordan is considered one of the sun-belt countries, which possesses high solar radiation on its horizontal surface. This work presents the energy output of photovoltaic (PV) module for three sites in Jordan; these three sites are Irbid (32° N and 35° E) in the northern Jordan, Amman (32° N and 36° E) in the central Jordan, and Aqaba (29° N and 35° E) in southern Jordan. The paper analyses the solar radiation data and ambient temperature to compare the PV energy output at these sites. The analysis showed that the Aqaba is the optimum location in term of PV energy production compared to the selected study locations. It is found that the annual energy production for a module with 340 W capacities is 502 kWh.
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Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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