Exploration of Influence of Chemical Composition on Combustion and Fuel characteristics of Wood-Charcoals Commonly Used in Bauchi State, Nigeria

Haruna Adamu, Ahmed Sabo, Ahmed Abdullahi Chinade, Fa'izu Ahmed Lame


This research work examined the combustion and fuel characteristics of wood-charcoals commonly used in Bauchi State, Nigeria in relation to their chemical compositions, with a view to unveiling wood specie(s) that produce charcoals with the most appropriate combustion and fuel characteristics for sustainable productions. Holistically, the combustion and fuel related characteristics of the wood-charcoal samples, which encompass of ash, moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon contents, density, calorific values, fuel value indexes and fuel thermal efficiency were determined using standard methods. The results show that the charcoal of Ficus platyphylla (Ganji) had a very good fire-holding capacity and recorded the highest calorific value of 33.58 Mj/kg, followed by the charcoal of Anogeissus leiocarpus (marke) with calorific value of 30.09 Mj/kg (which also displayed sluggish burning pattern). The charcoals of Butyrosperum paradoxum, Combretum lamprocarpum, and Pakia biglobosa burnt vigorously and their calorific values ranged between 23.16 and 26.71 Mj/kg. Therefore, the charcoals of Ficus platyphylla (Ganji) and Anogeisus leiocarpus (marke) are the most appropriate wood species for charcoal production in the study area. This finding can help policy makers design and establish tree plantations with wood-charcoal species with the desirable attributes for sustainable development and environmental protection.


Wood-charcoal, combustion, fuel, quality and characteristics

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v8i3.7837.g7449


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