Evaluation of Biodegradable Waste Quality by Drying for exploring the Possibilities of a Potential Renewable Energy Source in Yangon City, Myanmar

Maw Maw Tun


Waste is biomass and it is also a type of renewable energy sources.  Biodegradable waste to fuel could become an energy source potential to gain environmental and economic benefits in the years to come. To explore the opportunities of a potential renewable energy source from the biodegradable wastes in Yangon city of Myanmar, the study collected 12 different waste samples from the four districts of Yangon and evaluated the composition of the collected wastes. Then, the study assessed their moisture contents by Halogen Moisture Analyzer and dried 100 grams, 300 grams and 500 grams of waste samples by Binder Laboratory Heating and Drying Oven with fan circulation at 105°C.  The study also analyzed the effect of moisture reduction in volume reduction, weight reduction and heating value increase of the biodegradable waste samples after drying. The results showed that 50% of moisture reduction could contribute approximately over 20% of volume reduction, 40% of weight reduction and 200% of heating value increase. Therefore, if drying could be conducted with a renewable source such as solar energy and a waste heat source from industrial sectors, the dried biodegradable wastes with higher heating values could be beneficial in the energy and environment sector of Yangon city. The objective of the study was to evaluate the biodegradable waste quality of Yangon city by drying for a future potential renewable energy source.


Biodegradable Wastes; Waste Quality; Drying; Waste to Fuel; Renewable Energy Source

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v8i4.8342.g7509


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