A Review on DC Microgrid Control Techniques, Applications and Trends

K. R. Bharath, Mithun M. Krishnan, P. Kanakasabapathy


The DC Microgrid concept has been flourishing in the recent times due to its intrinsic advantages like Renewable Energy Source (RES) compatibility, easier integration with storage utilities through Power Electronic Converters (PECs) and distributed loads. In-depth researches are going on in this field, as the concept of DC Grid can be considered as a master foundation in the realization of Smart Grid (SG) technologies. To achieve this, a number of constraints such as voltage regulation, islanding detection, allowable transient levels, etc. are to be met in accordance with globally accepted standards. The system should have a proper control scheme to keep the things reliable, fault-free and interoperable. In order to meet the constraints as per globally recognized standards, quite a few classes of control algorithms are adopted namely, Centralized, Decentralized and Distributed control. A standardized review of these control strategies is discussed as part of this work. A comparative study among these techniques is made so as to help a designer to choose the apt technique for controlling the microgrid.


DC Microgrid; Centralized control; Decentralized control; Distributed Control; Droop methods

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v9i3.9671.g7710


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